瘋趣無限暢遊DAY PASS
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R.O.C. students
R.O.C. students x 1
R.O.C. students holding a valid student ID
Check Verification(Student Card)
Free Ticket
Free Ticket x 1
Free Ticket
Check Verification(Disability Card)
Accompanying of People with Disabilities (All Nationalities)
Accompanying of People with Disabilities (All Nationalities) x 1
Valid Identification Document유효한 신분증
Check Verification(Valid Identification Document)
Senior Admission
Senior Admission x 1
* 65歲以上者(本國籍)平日免費
* 個人、團體、優惠票價相同,10人以上團體,另加收團體語音導覽系統租金30元